By making a booking to use the RezG Hub Co working space, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions governing the use of RezG Hub services as described herein. 

  • “Service” or “Services” in this Agreement refers to access to and use of the RezG Hubs space in the Premises and certain other related services generally offered under the Office category to individual users, set out more fully in Schedule 1, hereinafter referred to as “Particulars of Services”. 
Office Standards 
  • RezG Hub hereby grants the customer the privilege to use in common with other third parties the Services as listed in Schedule 1; the use of all of which are subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as RezG Hub currently has in place and may adopt from time to time. 
  • The rules governing the use of the Premises are set out in Schedule 3 and shall hereinafter be referred to as “Office Standards”. the customer shall read, understand and adhere to Office Standards as set out in Schedule 3 for the duration of using RezG Hub services. 
  • Office Standards are hereby made an integral part of this Agreement. the customer shall ensure that its Employees, agents, guests, invitees, visitors and/or any other persons caused to be present in and around the Premises by the customer, perform and abide by the Office Standards and any amendments or additions RezG Hub may make. 
  • the customer shall ensure that its Employees and agents abide by all applicable governmental rules, regulations, statutes and ordinances relating in any way to the Premises or use of the Premises by the customer; failing which the customer shall be in default hereunder and shall pay any fines or penalties imposed for such violation(s} directly to the appropriate governmental authority or to RezG Hub, if RezG Hub has paid such amount on behalf of the customer. Such remedy shall not be exclusive. 
  • It is hereby further explicitly agreed and understood that full compliance with the Office Standards constitutes a material obligation of this Agreement , and that failure to so comply shall constitute a violation of this Agreement entitling RezG Hub to exercise any of its remedies pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise. 

Working Days 

“Working Days” means any day of the calendar week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 


  • The term of this Agreement is for the duration of the booking period of the co working service. 


  • For and during the term of this Agreement, the customer shall pay RezG Hub the service fee as stipulated during the booking process. 
  • All fees for RezG Hub services will be processed via the secure online payment platform. 

Disclaimer of Warranties 

  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, RezG Hub provides the services “as is” and with all faults, and hereby disclaim with respect to the services all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) warranties, duties or conditions of or related to: merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, workmanlike effort. Also, there is no warranty, duty or condition of title, quiet enjoyment, quiet possession, and correspondence to description or non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality or arising out of participation in or the use of the services, remains with the customer. 
  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause, RezG Hub shall warrant to provide all Services in a professional manner and the Premises shall also be within a reasonable condition and standard. 

Exclusion of Incidental, Consequential and Certain Other Damages 

  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall RezG Hub or its subsidiaries (whether or not wholly-owned), affiliates, divisions, and their past, present and future officers, agents, shareholders, users, representatives, employees, successors and assigns, jointly and individually be liable for any direct, special, incidental, indirect, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for: loss of profits, loss of confidential or other information, business interruption, loss of privacy, failure to meet any duty (including of good faith or of reasonable care, negligence, and any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the participation in or inability to participate in or use of the services, the provision of or failure to provide services, or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this Agreement, even in the event of the strict liability of RezG Hub, and even if RezG Hub has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 


  • the customer releases, and hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless RezG Hub and its subsidiaries (whether or not wholly-owned), affiliates, divisions, and their past, present and future officers, agents, shareholders, users, representatives, employees, successors and assigns, jointly and individually, from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses, judgments, fines and penalties based upon or arising out of negligent actions, fraud, Gross Negligence, Willful Misconduct in connection with, the participation in or use of Services by the customer or its Employees. 
  • the customer further agrees in the event that a claim or lawsuit is brought against RezG Hub in violation of this agreement, the customer shall be liable for any legal fees and costs incurred by RezG Hub or its respective officers and agents in connection with the defense of such claim or lawsuit. 


  • The conduct of the customer or its Employees, or anyone having access to Services with the permission or invitation of the customer, is incompatible with ordinary office use which shall be determined at RezG Hub’s sole discretion with immediate effect. 

Entire Agreement 

  • This Agreement embodies the entire understandings between the parties relative to its subject matter, and shall not be modified, changed or altered in any respect except in writing signed by all parties. 


  • In the event that any provision or portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, in whole or in part, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. 

Force Majeure 

  • Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, terrorist attack, the act or omission of government , highway authorities or any telecommunications carrier, or the delay or failure in manufacture, production, or supply by third parties of equipment or services, and the party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations after notifying the other party of the nature and extent of such events. 

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution 

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 

Schedule 1- Particulars of Services 

Term of Agreement 

Agreement shall be for a period as stipulated in the booking process 


The fees will be charged for the selected service in Sri Lankan Rupees and collected via the secure online payment gateway 

Working Days 

“Working Days” means any day of the calendar week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 

Working Hours 

8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Extension to the working hours will need to be requested from the RezG Hub administration representative and will be subjected to an additional charge. 

Reception Hours 

RezG Hub administration representative will be available between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm (“Regular Business Hours”) 


The workstation will be in the selected work area and include a LAN port and two power connections. 


Shared internet connection will be provide. If the client requires additional bandwidth it will be provide at an additional cost. 


Air Conditioning, Lighting, Building Management, Monitored by CCTV, Elevator, Electricity and water, cleaning and janitorial services. 

Schedule 2 – Office Standards 

  • Conditions of Use 
      • the customer shall comply with the following requirements as to the use of all parts of the Premises, the work areas, equipment, furniture and installations 
        • use the Premises or building only for the permitted use specified in this Agreement; 
        • keep the Premise and any workstation or work area in a neat and tidy condition; 
        • take good care of all parts of the Premises, the work areas, equipment and furniture; 
        • comply with security procedures which will be notified at the commencement of this Agreement together with any changes to such procedures from time to time; 
        • participate actively in improving energy and water efficiency in the building and any communal parts, and make use of the recycling facilities provided; and 
        • respect the business, rights and wishes of other users of the Premises and building and generally contribute to the spirit of mutual co-operation and support in the Premises and building; 
      • the customer shall not: 
        • obstruct any part of the Premises or building; 
        • do anything which might invalidate any insurance policy covering any part of the building or which might increase the Office for the Premises or building; 
        • use any part of the building for any activities which are dangerous, offensive, noxious, illegal or immoral, or which are or may become a nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to RezG Hub acting reasonably or to any other user of the building or to any neighboring property; 
        • display any advertisements or signs on the outside of the Premises or building or which are visible from outside the Premises or building; 
        • display any notice or bills inside the Premises; 
        • overload the floors or walls of the Premises; 
        • make copies of the keys, and not report immediately the loss of any such keys; 
        • alter or install any wiring, IT or telecommunications connections; 
        • bring animals or pets into the Premises or building, with the exception of service dogs. 
      • Where RezG Hub provides facilities which give the customer and its Employees access to the Internet (including access to the World Wide Web), the customer shall require that its Employees use these facilities in a manner consistent with professional business conduct. In particular, accessing or importing any of the following material is strictly forbidden and doing so will be regarded as a disciplinary matter and may lead to termination of the accounts of respective Employees which are assigned to the overall company account: 
        • pornographic, obscene or other sexually explicit material; 
        • information which is or could reasonably be construed as indecent or offensive; 
        • illegal material or material for a criminal purpose; 
        • material intended or likely to incite racial or religious hatred; 
        • material which infringes another party’s intellectual property rights; 
        • material to gain unauthorized access to or for the corruption of RezG Hub’s systems, data, networks or computer equipment or of other individuals and organizations; or 
        • gambling or soliciting for personal gain or profit. 
  • House Rules
      • the customer shall enforce that its Employees read, understand and accept the full house rules, a copy of which is available from the management or may be at the reception on the Fourth Floor of the Premises. 
      • The house rules on which the customer receives or uses Services are hereby incorporated into this Agreement and requires that its Employees and agents shall comply with the House Rules while using Services at Premises. 
      • House rules may be revised from time to time. the customer shall ensure that its Employees do not perform any activity that is reasonably likely to be d1srupt1ve, damaging or dangerous to RezG Hub, its employees or agents, other users, any guests or any other third parties or any pets or property of any of the foregoing. 
  • Guests 
      • the customer, can bring guests to the common area but not to their desks. A meeting room reservation is necessary if Employees wish to have guests working with them on any particular day. 
      • In order to maintain a safe and secure environment, RezG Hub will track who is coming into the premises on a daily basis. the customer shall ensure that the guests who accompany them, record their entry and exit in the Guest Logbook located at the Reception. If multiple guests enter at once, each person will have to be registered individually. 
      • For security reasons, RezG Hub will not allow guests to enter the Premises without acknowledgement from the customer, that they will remain onsite while the guest/s is present. the customer will be responsible for any guests they bring into the premises from time to time. 
      • Permanent guests are prohibited. Movement of guests in and out of the Premises will be monitored and if a guest is seen to be making RezG Hub his/her regular place of work, due warning will be given to the customer, who granted them access and RezG Hub reserves the right to terminate the account of the relevant customer at RezG Hub’s sole discretion. 
  • Assignment 
    • the customer shall not be entitled to assign it’s rights or obligations or delegate it’s duties under this Agreement nor share the benefits of this Agreement without the express written permission of RezG Hub. 


By making a booking to use the RezG Hub Co working space, you agree to adhere to the terms and conditions governing the use of RezG Hub services as described herein. 

  • “Service” or “Services” in this Agreement refers to access to and use of the RezG Hubs space in the Premises and certain other related services generally offered under the Office category to individual users, set out more fully in Schedule 1, hereinafter referred to as “Particulars of Services”. 
Office Standards 
  • RezG Hub hereby grants the customer the privilege to use in common with other third parties the Services as listed in Schedule 1; the use of all of which are subject to such reasonable rules and regulations as RezG Hub currently has in place and may adopt from time to time. 
  • The rules governing the use of the Premises are set out in Schedule 3 and shall hereinafter be referred to as “Office Standards”. the customer shall read, understand and adhere to Office Standards as set out in Schedule 3 for the duration of using RezG Hub services. 
  • Office Standards are hereby made an integral part of this Agreement. the customer shall ensure that its Employees, agents, guests, invitees, visitors and/or any other persons caused to be present in and around the Premises by the customer, perform and abide by the Office Standards and any amendments or additions RezG Hub may make. 
  • the customer shall ensure that its Employees and agents abide by all applicable governmental rules, regulations, statutes and ordinances relating in any way to the Premises or use of the Premises by the customer; failing which the customer shall be in default hereunder and shall pay any fines or penalties imposed for such violation(s} directly to the appropriate governmental authority or to RezG Hub, if RezG Hub has paid such amount on behalf of the customer. Such remedy shall not be exclusive. 
  • It is hereby further explicitly agreed and understood that full compliance with the Office Standards constitutes a material obligation of this Agreement , and that failure to so comply shall constitute a violation of this Agreement entitling RezG Hub to exercise any of its remedies pursuant to this Agreement or otherwise. 

Working Days 

“Working Days” means any day of the calendar week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 


  • The term of this Agreement is for the duration of the booking period of the co working service. 


  • For and during the term of this Agreement, the customer shall pay RezG Hub the service fee as stipulated during the booking process. 
  • All fees for RezG Hub services will be processed via the secure online payment platform. 

Disclaimer of Warranties 

  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, RezG Hub provides the services “as is” and with all faults, and hereby disclaim with respect to the services all warranties and conditions, whether express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) warranties, duties or conditions of or related to: merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, lack of viruses, accuracy or completeness of responses, results, workmanlike effort. Also, there is no warranty, duty or condition of title, quiet enjoyment, quiet possession, and correspondence to description or non-infringement. The entire risk as to the quality or arising out of participation in or the use of the services, remains with the customer. 
  • Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this clause, RezG Hub shall warrant to provide all Services in a professional manner and the Premises shall also be within a reasonable condition and standard. 

Exclusion of Incidental, Consequential and Certain Other Damages 

  • To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall RezG Hub or its subsidiaries (whether or not wholly-owned), affiliates, divisions, and their past, present and future officers, agents, shareholders, users, representatives, employees, successors and assigns, jointly and individually be liable for any direct, special, incidental, indirect, punitive, consequential or other damages whatsoever (including, but not limited to, damages for: loss of profits, loss of confidential or other information, business interruption, loss of privacy, failure to meet any duty (including of good faith or of reasonable care, negligence, and any other pecuniary or other loss whatsoever) arising out of or in any way related to the participation in or inability to participate in or use of the services, the provision of or failure to provide services, or otherwise under or in connection with any provision of this Agreement, even in the event of the strict liability of RezG Hub, and even if RezG Hub has been advised of the possibility of such damages. 


  • the customer releases, and hereby agrees to indemnify, defend and save harmless RezG Hub and its subsidiaries (whether or not wholly-owned), affiliates, divisions, and their past, present and future officers, agents, shareholders, users, representatives, employees, successors and assigns, jointly and individually, from and against all claims, liabilities, losses, damages, costs, expenses, judgments, fines and penalties based upon or arising out of negligent actions, fraud, Gross Negligence, Willful Misconduct in connection with, the participation in or use of Services by the customer or its Employees. 
  • the customer further agrees in the event that a claim or lawsuit is brought against RezG Hub in violation of this agreement, the customer shall be liable for any legal fees and costs incurred by RezG Hub or its respective officers and agents in connection with the defense of such claim or lawsuit. 


  • The conduct of the customer or its Employees, or anyone having access to Services with the permission or invitation of the customer, is incompatible with ordinary office use which shall be determined at RezG Hub’s sole discretion with immediate effect. 

Entire Agreement 

  • This Agreement embodies the entire understandings between the parties relative to its subject matter, and shall not be modified, changed or altered in any respect except in writing signed by all parties. 


  • In the event that any provision or portion of this Agreement is determined to be invalid, illegal or unenforceable for any reason, in whole or in part, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be unaffected thereby and shall remain in full force and effect to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. 

Force Majeure 

  • Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations if the delay or failure results from events or circumstances outside its reasonable control, including but not limited to acts of God, strikes, lockouts, accidents, war, fire, terrorist attack, the act or omission of government , highway authorities or any telecommunications carrier, or the delay or failure in manufacture, production, or supply by third parties of equipment or services, and the party shall be entitled to a reasonable extension of its obligations after notifying the other party of the nature and extent of such events. 

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution 

  • This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in all respects in accordance with the laws of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka 

Schedule 1- Particulars of Services 

Term of Agreement 

Agreement shall be for a period as stipulated in the booking process 


The fees will be charged for the selected service in Sri Lankan Rupees and collected via the secure online payment gateway 

Working Days 

“Working Days” means any day of the calendar week excluding Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays. 

Working Hours 

8 a.m. to 6 p.m., Extension to the working hours will need to be requested from the RezG Hub administration representative and will be subjected to an additional charge. 

Reception Hours 

RezG Hub administration representative will be available between 9.00 am and 5.00 pm (“Regular Business Hours”) 


The workstation will be in the selected work area and include a LAN port and two power connections. 


Shared internet connection will be provide. If the client requires additional bandwidth it will be provide at an additional cost. 


Air Conditioning, Lighting, Building Management, Monitored by CCTV, Elevator, Electricity and water, cleaning and janitorial services. 

Schedule 2 – Office Standards 

  • Conditions of Use 
      • the customer shall comply with the following requirements as to the use of all parts of the Premises, the work areas, equipment, furniture and installations 
        • use the Premises or building only for the permitted use specified in this Agreement; 
        • keep the Premise and any workstation or work area in a neat and tidy condition; 
        • take good care of all parts of the Premises, the work areas, equipment and furniture; 
        • comply with security procedures which will be notified at the commencement of this Agreement together with any changes to such procedures from time to time; 
        • participate actively in improving energy and water efficiency in the building and any communal parts, and make use of the recycling facilities provided; and 
        • respect the business, rights and wishes of other users of the Premises and building and generally contribute to the spirit of mutual co-operation and support in the Premises and building; 
      • the customer shall not: 
        • obstruct any part of the Premises or building; 
        • do anything which might invalidate any insurance policy covering any part of the building or which might increase the Office for the Premises or building; 
        • use any part of the building for any activities which are dangerous, offensive, noxious, illegal or immoral, or which are or may become a nuisance, annoyance or inconvenience to RezG Hub acting reasonably or to any other user of the building or to any neighboring property; 
        • display any advertisements or signs on the outside of the Premises or building or which are visible from outside the Premises or building; 
        • display any notice or bills inside the Premises; 
        • overload the floors or walls of the Premises; 
        • make copies of the keys, and not report immediately the loss of any such keys; 
        • alter or install any wiring, IT or telecommunications connections; 
        • bring animals or pets into the Premises or building, with the exception of service dogs. 
      • Where RezG Hub provides facilities which give the customer and its Employees access to the Internet (including access to the World Wide Web), the customer shall require that its Employees use these facilities in a manner consistent with professional business conduct. In particular, accessing or importing any of the following material is strictly forbidden and doing so will be regarded as a disciplinary matter and may lead to termination of the accounts of respective Employees which are assigned to the overall company account: 
        • pornographic, obscene or other sexually explicit material; 
        • information which is or could reasonably be construed as indecent or offensive; 
        • illegal material or material for a criminal purpose; 
        • material intended or likely to incite racial or religious hatred; 
        • material which infringes another party’s intellectual property rights; 
        • material to gain unauthorized access to or for the corruption of RezG Hub’s systems, data, networks or computer equipment or of other individuals and organizations; or 
        • gambling or soliciting for personal gain or profit. 
  • House Rules
      • the customer shall enforce that its Employees read, understand and accept the full house rules, a copy of which is available from the management or may be at the reception on the Fourth Floor of the Premises. 
      • The house rules on which the customer receives or uses Services are hereby incorporated into this Agreement and requires that its Employees and agents shall comply with the House Rules while using Services at Premises. 
      • House rules may be revised from time to time. the customer shall ensure that its Employees do not perform any activity that is reasonably likely to be d1srupt1ve, damaging or dangerous to RezG Hub, its employees or agents, other users, any guests or any other third parties or any pets or property of any of the foregoing. 
  • Guests 
      • the customer, can bring guests to the common area but not to their desks. A meeting room reservation is necessary if Employees wish to have guests working with them on any particular day. 
      • In order to maintain a safe and secure environment, RezG Hub will track who is coming into the premises on a daily basis. the customer shall ensure that the guests who accompany them, record their entry and exit in the Guest Logbook located at the Reception. If multiple guests enter at once, each person will have to be registered individually. 
      • For security reasons, RezG Hub will not allow guests to enter the Premises without acknowledgement from the customer, that they will remain onsite while the guest/s is present. the customer will be responsible for any guests they bring into the premises from time to time. 
      • Permanent guests are prohibited. Movement of guests in and out of the Premises will be monitored and if a guest is seen to be making RezG Hub his/her regular place of work, due warning will be given to the customer, who granted them access and RezG Hub reserves the right to terminate the account of the relevant customer at RezG Hub’s sole discretion. 
  • Assignment 
    • the customer shall not be entitled to assign it’s rights or obligations or delegate it’s duties under this Agreement nor share the benefits of this Agreement without the express written permission of RezG Hub. 
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